Doctor or Nurse, Please, Please, Please: Talk to an Attorney Before You Talk to an Investigator

Despite mailing out hundreds of thousands of postcards and letters to physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and psychologists  throughout Florida, we continue to receive calls from new clients and from potential clients, after they have already spoken to and made critical harmful admissions against their own interests to investigators.  In Florida, you do not have any duty to cooperate with any investigator who is investigating you.  This extends to Department of Health (DOH) investigators (who are sometimes titled “Medical Quality Assurance Investigators” or “Medical Malpractice Investigators“), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) special agents, police officers, sheriff’s deputies, or criminal investigators of any type.

Let me state this as succinctly and clearly […]

Update All of Your Addresses with Medicare Immediately!

By George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law

Have You Checked Your Addresses on File with CMS/Medicare Recently?

Do you remember the last time you checked all four of the addresses you should have on file for any individual or any group/company Medicare number you may have?  The consequences of not updating these addresses can be severe.  In addition to your mailing (or correspondence address), and your billing address, you also should have a physical address that is complete, accurate and timely.  The telephone number for that physical address should also be in the system.  You must ensure that not only is the street address accurate, but also that any […]

By |2024-03-14T10:00:30-04:00June 1, 2018|Medicare, The Health Law Firm Blog|
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