Workers Can Be Fired For Using Marijuana Off-Duty

By Carole C. Schriefer, R.N., J.D., The Health Law Firm

Marijuana may be legal in Colorado, but you can still be fired for using it. Employers’ zero- tolerance drug policies trump Colorado’s medical marijuana laws, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled on Monday. In a 6-0 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that businesses can terminate an employee for the use of medical marijuana – even if it’s off-duty.

Coats v. Dish Network.

Brandon Coats became a quadriplegic after a car accident and has relied on medical marijuana to help with muscle spasms. Dish Network fired Coats after a failed drug test in 2010.  “As a national employer, Dish remains committed to a drug-free workplace and […]

Colorado Health Board Rejects Medical Marijuana Proposal for PTSD Treatment

By Carole C. Schriefer, R.N., J.D., The Health Law Firm

On July 15, 2015, the Colorado Board of Health denied a bid to approve medical marijuana as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Colorado is known for pushing the boundaries with marijuana, but health officials rejected the idea that it can be an effective form of treatment for PTSD patients. The board voted against the recommendation of the state’s chief medical officer and marks the third time Colorado’s health officials have said ‘No’ to including PTSD on its marijuana approved list of uses.

Is Marijuana Medicine?

The Colorado Board of Health voted 6-2, to reject a petition for PTSD to be considered a […]

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