The Do’s and Don’ts If You Are Under Investigation For Discipline on Your Professional License, Part 2

Author HeadshotBy George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law

You are reading Part 2 of this blog series. To read Part 1, click here.

If you are notified that you are under investigation, DO NOT take the easy way out by immediately relinquishing your license. And DO NOT hide your head in the sand by thinking the case will just go away on its own. DO NOT think that you can just talk to the investigator, explain your side, and the case will go away. Also, DO NOT request an informal hearing or agree to a settlement agreement (consent order) in which you admit […]

By |2024-03-14T09:59:17-04:00October 19, 2023|Dental Law Blog|

Legally Speaking: Professional Liability Insurance for Psychologists, Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers and Therapists

By George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law

Those supervised by the Board of Psychology and the Board of Clinical Social Work, including Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, psychologists, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists are responsible for one of the most important component of patient care: mental health.

Professional Liability Insurance.

Insuring the mental health of a patient does not come without inerrant risks. For this reason, every mental health professional should carry professional liability insurance that includes professional license defense coverage (sometimes called disciplinary defense, license defense, administrative hearing coverage or broad coverage). This […]

By |2024-03-14T10:00:23-04:00August 21, 2018|Mental Health Law Blog|

Massachusetts Insurance Company Sued in Mental Health Discrimination Suit

Geroge F. Indest III HeadshotBy George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law

On July 20, 2018, a Massachusetts federal judge allowed a woman to move forward with a proposed class action against Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Insurance Company (Harvard Pilgrim). The woman is claiming that Harvard Pilgrim, which covers medical expenses at nursing homes, must also cover mental health care at her son’s behavior-correcting summer camp.

Mental Health Parity Act.

U.S. District Judge Denise J. Casper denied a motion to dismiss from the insurer, saying that the plaintiff adequately equated the two types of health settings in a […]

By |2024-03-14T10:00:23-04:00July 25, 2018|Mental Health Law Blog|
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