Wow! Did You Know That There Were All of These Different Medical and Dental Examination and Specialty Boards out There?

Patricia's Photos 013By George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law

Did you know there are many different medically-related examination and specialty boards out there screening applicants’ credentials and administering national examinations required for licensure? What is more, if an applicant is accused of some type of wrongdoing by that board (which may include allegations of “irregular behavior or conduct,” “cheating,” “compromising examination materials,” or other similar allegations) each has different procedures and appeals for handling investigations.

Types Of Medical Specialty Boards.

I have recently had to advise clients on or become involved in hearings or appeals for:

  • The Educational Commission for Foreign […]

Report: Florida Received an F in Medical Pricing Transparency

By George F. Indest III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M., Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law

6 Indest-2008-3In Florida, it’s difficult to compare prices for medical services and procedures because the various prices are not made public. In part because of this, a recent study by a health-care advocacy group gave Florida an F for transparencies in pricing.

What Did the Analysis Look For?

The report analyzed whether or not states have laws and regulations that require health prices be made public.

Only One State Received an A.

The only state to receive an A in the study was New Hampshire. This is because of its NH Health-Cost site. The site […]

By |2024-03-14T10:01:00-04:00June 1, 2018|In the News, The Health Law Firm Blog|

CRIMINAL LAW: Search and Seizure—Probable Cause for Search in Light of—Enactment of Medical Marijuana Law

The guest author of this article is Mark Rieber, Senior Attorney, National Legal Research Group.

In Commonwealth v. Canning, 28 N.E.3d 1156 (Mass. 2015), the court held as a matter of first impression that with the Commonwealth’s new medical marijuana law (“the Act”) in effect, if the police seek a warrant to search a property where they suspect an individual is cultivating or possesses marijuana, then they must first offer information sufficient to provide probable cause to believe that the individual is not properly registered under the Act to possess or cultivate the suspected substance. The court rejected the Commonwealth’s argument that any cultivation of marijuana remained illegal even under the Act. That argument further asserted that to […]

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